Quail Shampoo For Lice I Need Quail Shampoo. I'm Pregnant. Where Can I Find It?

I need Quail shampoo. I'm pregnant. Where can I find it? - quail shampoo for lice

I've just discovered that I have lice. I am in the 8th Months pregnant. I called to ask to the emergency room because I've heard that pregnant women should not like killing lice shampoos, etc. He told me to use Quail. Is there somewhere I can buy it without a prescription, because I need now!


Super M♥M said...

What is known, and I'm sure he must have a prescription. Call your gynecologist or midwife and ask them to call a prescription from the pharmacy.

Scorpio Woman TTC 4 19 Months said...

It appears that you have been prescribed by your doctor.

Not 100% sure, but if the demand for dollars.

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